Sport England have given their support to the proposed new governing body for ice hockey in the UK, which is being voted on by EIHA members this coming Saturday.

Tim Hollingsworth, chief executive of Sport England, said in a letter that he and his colleagues have read the documents around the proposal and are pleased with the plans for a new unified, independently-led and well-governed NGB.

“Sport England welcomes the proposal to streamline the existing governing bodies by creating a single new NGB to govern the sport of ice hockey across the UK,” said Hollingsworth.

“It is clear there are benefits to this approach: it will enable the sport to drive efficiencies, making the best of limited resources available; it will mean the sport develops a fit for purpose governance model for the sport; and it will enable the sport to better manage and work with internal and external stakeholders.”

Sport England have asked to be kept updated on the outcome of the vote and all those involved hope to be able to report back to them that our sport has taken a step forward with our governance following the vote at the AGM.

EIHA voting information
For those voting members, the EIHA virtual platform is now open and allows you to vote in advance or proxy your vote to someone else. You are encouraged everyone to vote in advance. This functionality on the platform is open until 9:59am on Thursday 10th December.

EIHA members can log-in during the meeting and change their vote but by clicking your preferences in advance, it ensures that if you cannot attend the meeting on Saturday that your voice is heard and your vote is counted.

All documents relating to the Annual General Meeting, including the governance proposal for a single new governing body, can be viewed on the can AGM hub by clicking here.

Click here to read the letter of support from Sport England.